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Beachside Little League

Beachside Little League


General, league-wide rules are listed here, division specific rules are are discussed at the coaches meeting and available upon request.

General Rules:

In Baseball, ALL non-wood bats must have the USA stamp on them to be allowed use in league games and practices. The 50/70 Intermediate and Juniors divisions may use BBCOR bats as well as the USA stamped bats if they chose. Tee ball bats are only permitted to be used in Tee Ball.  

The coaches are responsible for canceling practice/games due to weather. For those divisions that play other areas, you will need to contact the coach of the other team.  Once the schedules are done, you will be provided with the contacts.  The only time BSLL will close the fields is if it comes from the respective cities.

Home team is responsible for field prep and locking up equipment room, bathrooms, turning off lights, and putting the pitching machine away.

Home team is in the 3rd base dugout. What? Yes, 3rd base dugout.

In all Baseball divisions from Minor A and up, coaches are required to fill out the pitch count verification form and have it either signed by the umpire, or the opposing coach at the conclusion of their game.  If there is a question of a pitcher eligibility based on pitch count and the verification can not be produced, that pitcher will not be allowed to pitch until the maximum days rest are met by that pitcher.  Days rest requirements are on the verification form.

Practice balls:  Each coach will be provided practice balls when they picked up equipment.  Please try to return as many as possible so we can reuse them next year.  Baseballs are our #1 expenditure each season.  We have extra practice balls available upon request, and availability.

Game Balls

  • Tee Ball coaches are provided 12 brand new balls at the beginning of the season for practice and game use.  You may use these to give to your team as a ‘game ball’ after games, but we will not provide more new balls if you run out.   
  • Minor B (machine pitch) uses the bucket of balls located in the equipment room.   Please keep the game ball bucket separate from your practice bucket.  We will replace the games balls half way through the season with fresh ones, however, not if we notice they are walking away.
  • Minor A and up: managers will be provided 2 game balls for each scheduled home game.  

If you use something missing from your first-aid kit, let us know so the items can be replaced.

Umpires, regardless of how old they are, are in charge once the game starts.

We encourage all coaches to umpire a few games during the season, it is a great way to learn about the game from a different perspective. BSLL has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to giving umpires (or any volunteer) a hard time.  There is a proper way to handle disputed calls which we will go over at our coaches meeting.

The coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players and parents – not the umpires.  Umpires are instructed to stop the game until the manager has control of any unruly spectators.  

There is NO SMOKING at any of our fields which includes the parking lots.  If you see, or smell, someone smoking, please politely remind them of the no smoking rules. If they become difficult, please let any board member know right away and do not get heated and escalate the issue.  We typically do not have any issues with our parents here, we sometimes have to remind the out-of-towners.

While we encourage the competitive aspect of the game, please remember that even though we play against each other, we are on the same team.  We have coaches and players that are new to the league or game, please try to be helpful, we are all on the same Beachside team. Working together will make the league stronger.


Beachside Little League
P.O. Box 372506 
Satellite Beach, Florida 32937

Email: [email protected]

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